1)What myths about career counseling have you heard? 2)Where do you think they c

1)What myths about career counseling have you heard? 2)Where do you think they come from? Are these myths justified? 3)What career development concerns might you encounter in the setting in which you hope to work in the future? 4)Some individuals work to make a living and some to make a life. What is the difference between these two views, and how does each relate to an individual’s self-concept? 5) In what ways did the COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic downturn affect the career choices of individuals? 6) Should career development theories address life roles other than work? Why or why not? 7) Identify at least one unique contribution from each of the four theories discussed in this chapter. 8) How might you use elements of two or more of these theories when working with a client or developing a program of services, taking an eclectic approach? What is meant by the term “global flattening,” and what are its positives and negatives? 9) In practice as a counselor you are likely to adopt an eclectic approach, that is, merging parts of various theories together or selecting different theories for different clients and their needs. Considering all the theories that you have studied in Chapters 2 and 3, which two or more are you most likely to combine (or use with different clients) and why? 10) Which are the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs proposed by theorists that are necessary to help people adapt in this very uncertain world environment? 11) Given that it is predicted that Whites will be in the minority by the year 2060, it is essential that theories address the career development of current minority populations. How well do the present career development theories accomplish that goal? What will theorists and practitioners need to do to make theories more relevant to these groups?