Understanding Self and Others through the Johari Window Understanding Self and Others through the Johari Window

MODULE 1 ACTIVITIES AND DISCUSSION BOARD: Activities: (1) Please watch this video discussing the Johari Window Model Links to an external site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7FhcvoVK8s
(2) Please engage in the following Johari window exerciseLinks to an external site https://kevan.org/johari .. Follow the instructions provided via the link – bookmarking your page when indicated. Then, find three other individuals who you communicate with (e.g., partner, friend, colleague, boss, child, etc.) to participate as instructed in the exercise. Be sure to bookmark your page to see how your Johari window evolves as you receive feedback from others. Module 1 Discussion Board: The module 1 discussion questions has been posted. Remember that in order to complete the assignment, you will need to post your response as well as respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ posts. Each discussion board assignment is worth 10 points (see discussion board grading rubric in syllabus). Please consider what you learned this week as you answer the questions posted on the discussion board.

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