Community-Based Project: Putting the Evidence to Work The purpose of this projec

Community-Based Project: Putting the Evidence to Work
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of a primary care, reproductive or gynecologic health issue in a community-based setting. Using evidence-based information, students will present on a topic of their choice to a target audience within their community. 
This project involves the following 6 steps:
1. Choose a topic of interest. The topic can be related to primary care of people with uteruses, reproductive or gynecologic health and should be broadly in the the scope of a midwife.  Choose a topic for which there is a solid body of evidence, that is interesting and relevant to your target audience.
2. Choose your target audience. Outline a group who would benefit from learning about the chosen topic. It should be relevant, age/education-level appropriate, and enlightening to this group. It’s not necessary to have a formal group as the target population–the group could be one that you assemble. Be creative and have fun with it!
3. Project proposal. Turn in a short synopsis (less than 500 words) of your proposed topic and target population in order to obtain faculty approval.
-Include why this topic is relevant and how you plan to assemble the group and give the presentation. 
-Include at least 3 scholarly references (published within the last 5 years) that you will draw on for the presentation. Use APA format.
TOPIC: Testing and treatment of Mycoplasma genitalium  
in the general public for Urgent care providers.