Create a digital portfolio that reflects on evidence of your learning in two of

Create a digital portfolio that reflects on evidence of your learning in two of the STEM learning experiences from weeks 2 to 5 (i.e.
STEM LEs 2-5). This portfolio will be developed as part of your weekly learning experiences and include two elements: a video
reflection and a written reflection. The target audience is other educators who are interested in how digital fluencies contribute to
STEM education practices.
This is an authentic assessment because designing, developing and implementing new approaches in STEM education can be a
complex process and portfolios are a reliable way to capture the development of new ideas whilst also providing an opportunity for
Learning outcomes measured1. Demonstrate understanding of a body of knowledge that includes recent developments related to STEM teaching and
learning and the use of digital technologies as tools for learning STEM.
2. Use cognitive and critical reflection skills to demonstrate mastery of theoretical knowledge and professional practice
relating to STEM Education.
3. Demonstrate technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments
that contribute to effective professional practice in STEM Education.
4. Demonstrate application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice
and/or for further learning with high level personal autonomy and accountability.
The assessment related directly to APSTs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (please see for further
information on these standards).
What you need to do
Each week you will engage in a STEM learning experience that is enabled by digital technologies. You will collect evidence of each
learning experience in the form of a digital portfolio. Based on this evidence, you reflect on your learning using the 4Rs model for
Element 1 – Reporting and Relating (video, 6-8 minutes in duration)
Create a video the provides evidence of two STEM learning experiences (STEM LE) from weeks 2 to 5. For each LE you will need to
respond to the following prompts.
Element 1 prompts
Stage Prompt for each STEM LE
1) Describe the STEM LE and present collated evidence of your learning.
2) Describe role(s) of digital technologies in the STEM LE.
3) Succinctly indicate how the LE matches Kelley & Knowles’ (2016) ‘Pulley’ Conceptualisation of STEM learning.Relating
4) Compare (identify similarities and differences) use of digital technologies in the STEM LE with your prior personal and/or
professional experience.
5) Identify the digital fluencies that you needed to use or develop.
The video must include the following elements:
• a title screen that includes your name and student number, the unit code, assessment task number and title, and your
lecturer’s name
• evidence (images, video or audio) from each STEM LE
• a clear response to the prompts above for each STEM LE
• clear and effective visual and academic communication
• correct citation of authors (the reference list can appear in your written component).
The video should demonstrate your capacity to develop and use digital fluencies. You need to appear in the video.
Element 2 – Reasoning and Reconstructing (written, 1500 words)
Based on both STEM LE, use the following prompts to reflect on your learning.
Element 2 prompts
Stage Prompt for both STEM LE
6) With reference to the WHO workflow (Nykvist, Blundell & Mukherjee, 2019), rationalise the role of digital technologies in
both STEM LE.
7) Use Activity Theory to analyse both STEM LE and identify potential challenges if you were to implement them within your
educational context.Reconstructing 8) Propose how will you address these challenges.
9) Based on your experience, propose a specific strategy to improve / develop the digital fluencies related to the STEM LE.
Prompts for elements 1 and 2 are based on QUT DRAW Project, (2010). The 4Rs Model of Reflective Thinking. Retrieved from
You are strongly encouraged to use headings to make your response clear to the reader. Ensure that you adhere to post-graduate
standards of writing, including:
• Clear, academic writing and presentation. (As this is a reflection, writing in first person is considered appropriate.)
• Clear connections to relevant literature.
• Appropriately referenced using APA referencing. For guidance, refer to QUT’s Cite | Write.
• Adheres reasonably to the limit. In-text references and direct quotes are included in the word count, but the reference list
and appendices are not. The marker will not grade any text beyond 10% over the word limit.
Resources available to complete the task
• Activity theory analysis sheet – Activity Theory analysis sheet.pdf Download Activity Theory analysis sheet.pdf
Below are detailed instructions and resources to help you to submit this task.