Improving Analysis of Our Town Introduction Our Town by Thornton Wilder is a classic play that explores the themes of life, death, and the human experience. In this essay, I will present an analysis of Our Town and how it portrays these

Few days ago you did my rough draft, these are the comments that my Professor mentioned that I need improvement. I need to present an analysis of Our Town not Evenden’s article instead, three things to do. 1. Rephrase the Thesis, do not “This essay will discuss how”; present main argument, use your own words no examples or quotations. 2. Support main ideas by quoting and citing direct language from the play in the form of MLA cited quotes to support your points. Page numbers for citations MUST match the class version of the text. 3. After each quote from he play, present an analysis of the quote. The title of the play needs to be italicized not in quotation marks. Fix Works Cited: In a separate page at the end of your essay, list the sources you quoted in the body of your essay. MLA formatting guidelines for each source. Use first and third person

The post Improving Analysis of Our Town


Our Town by Thornton Wilder is a classic play that explores the themes of life, death, and the human experience. In this essay, I will present an analysis of Our Town and how it portrays these appeared first on get essay fast.