On the following spreadsheet, you will find a series of communications in Gobble

On the following spreadsheet, you will find a series of communications in Gobble Goth that our ally Gobble Goth factions have intercepted.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RidM8aus9HcE_9UrWyRVcP0RM_kQpehQD9WNn_XKNtQ/edit?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.
Read all instructions carefully, on the instructions tab and the “instructions” section on your group’s tab.
There are 6 communications. Your job is to translate ONE of them into English (they’re assigned by group). Each communication is 8 lines. Which 8-line communication you translate depends on your group. Find the tab whose label contains your group number, and translate the 8 lines on that tab. 
For example, person in groups 1-8 would translate the whole 8-line message contained in the Group 1-8 tab. Again, translate ONLY the ONE message that was assigned to your group.
Please make sure to translate the correct set of 8 lines.
You will only get half credit if you select the wrong set.
You will only get half credit if you translate all 6 messages (48 lines total).
Remember our Grammar and Dictionary.
Gobble Goth GrammarLinks to an external site. (Be sure to check section 7 especially, which now has content. It’s not optional reading – you will need the information there for this assignment.)
Dictionary (Final Vocabulary)Links to an external site.
If you find any errors or anything that doesn’t look right, please let me know so I can investigate and fix things if necessary.
Make sure to complete the collaboration acknowledgement paragraph as well.