Compose an original research paper (five to seven pages) on the following topic:

Compose an original research paper (five to seven pages) on the following topic:

Analyze the (potential) future of rhetoric in our electronic age. Look at major theorists and movements, and how they have expanded our current understanding of rhetoric. You might take a closer look at concepts such as deconstruction or the rhetoric of display insofar as they influence our post-modern discourse and political process. You might note how rhetoric has substantially changed from the classical age, and incorporate a discussion of Cicero’s model as it has been adapted to digital methods of delivery.

To support your observations, you must include at least four references. You may use the required texts for the course, the supplemental articles and speeches, or any other source that supports your analysis.

For further understanding of contemporary rhetorical theory, and to help prepare for the final paper, you might review the supplemental reading assignments and speeches, to include the following:

Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory (Links to an external site.) Zappen, J. P. (2005) from the Technical Communication Quarterly (Hunt Library)

Recovering Delivery for Digital Rhetoric and Human-Computer Interaction (Links to an external site.) Porter, J.E. (2008) from Science Direct (Hunt Library)

Digital rhetoric: Theory, method, practice, (Links to an external site.) (Ch. 2). Eyeman, D. (2015) from ProQuest through the Hunt Library

The fate of rhetoric in an electronic age. (Links to an external site.) Enculturation, 1(1). Brooke, C. G. (1997, Spring).

Should you have any questions regarding the parameters of this paper, contact your instructor immediately for clarification.

Research and Composition Guidelines

All papers must adhere to the following:

  • Read each section before proceeding to the next page. This page is best viewed in a computer web browser.Paper(s) shall include all of the following elements (not counted toward required 5-7 pages of body text):
    • Title page (name, date, course title/section and instructor’s name, and paper title)
    • An abstract
    • Page numbers
    • Properly formatted parenthetical references and “References” list

    All papers shall follow the APA standard guidelines, including font style and size, spacing, and margins, for research and documentation. You are encouraged to purchase an APA style manual; however, you may also find assistance in Academic Resources in the Start Here section of the course and online. Proper documentation of sources is critical in preparing papers for this course. Papers without proper documentation shall be returned for revision.