Discussion Board 1 Discussion Board 1: Online Verification Skills As a student with a last name beginning with N-Z, I will be discussing the topic of online verification skills. In today’s digital age, it is crucial to be able

Discussion Board 1
Choose one of the topics for your initial discussion board post based on the first letter of your last name. If your last name begins with A-M, complete Topic 1. If your last name begins with N-Z, complete Topic 2. Reply to a student who did a topic different than you for their initial post. 
Topic 2 – Online Verification Skills  
Initial Post – 15 points
In your initial post, respond to the following questions in at least 200 words (total words for the entire post, not each question).  
Watch the three videos below on “Online Verification Skills. These videos are also in your OER textbook in the Fact Checking Online Health and Nutrition Information section.  
How often do you encounter nutrition information online or on social media that might be false or misleading? Describe a recent instance where you came across dubious nutrition information online. Where was that information posted, what did it say, why did you think it was dubious? 
Describe at least one strategy from each of the videos below that you can use to verify information online or from social media is accurate.  

The post Discussion Board 1

Discussion Board 1: Online Verification Skills

As a student with a last name beginning with N-Z, I will be discussing the topic of online verification skills. In today’s digital age, it is crucial to be able appeared first on get essay fast.