Goal and Purpose The goal of this assignment is for you to apply all the knowled

Goal and Purpose
The goal of this assignment is for you to apply all the knowledge and information about the Rogerian Argument essay style and the book, “The Distance Between Us”. In addition, you should use the grammar feedback generated automatically on Module 4.17: The Distance Between Us – First Draft and Grammar Check and Peer Review.
In this final part, you will be able to upload your final paper draft for a grade. Please make sure that you review Module 4.2.3: Rogerian Arguments Sample Essay to see what your five-paragraph essay should look like. You should also review Module 4.2: Rogerian Arguments Lecture Presentation to help you structure your final draft.
As a practical rule, you should come to Virtual Office Hours and/or meet with our Tutor (s) to ask for any clarification on the assignment due, the format, and any issues with the Works Cited page.
First, use the E.S.L. 110 WA 4 Pre-Writing Assignment Template Download E.S.L. 110 WA 4 Pre-Writing Assignment Template to develop your ideas for this Argument Essay. I have copied the instructions from the template below for your reference. These are the same instructions, so please do not panic or think that you have to complete another form. This is the continuation of your fourth writing assignment. If you were not able to complete the first part, Module 4.16: Writing Assignment 4 (WA4), then you need to ensure that you complete that part first in order to correctly submit your first draft of this assignment.
Directions: Read the instructions below. You should have completed Steps 1 and 2 of the writing process (brainstorming and organizing) in the previous module. Now, you will upload the first draft of your argument essay on this Canvas assignment page to check for formatting and grammar mistakes. For this essay, you will write at least 4.5 full pages minimum, focused on researching and writing an essay on what is needed to fix America’s insufficient/failing immigration laws and policies based on the stories and information presented in The Distance Between Us and other sources.
Your essay should answer the prompt below:
Make an argument in favor or against on what is needed to fix America’s insufficient / failing immigration laws and policies using the Rogerian style of argumentation.
In the book, The Distance Between Us, and other sources, you learned a lot about the different issues immigrants face when we leave our native countries and immigrate to the United Sates. Immigrants face a lot of traumas such as feelings of abandonment, guilt and anger towards those who leave family members behind, struggles learning another language, being undocumented, etc. Place, placelessness, and journeys to begin anew in an unfamiliar home transcend cultures and nationalities.