“Healthcare Finance and Management: Exploring a Relevant Topic in the Industry”

Just to clarify this is a Healthcare Finance and Management course
The proposal should be 5 typed double spaced pages of content in length (NOT including cover page, table of contents page, abstract, tables, graphs, or references page), where the student will develop a thorough introduction to the selected health care finance topic. Topic selection must be relevant to this course content and pre-approved by the instructor. .
Instructor will discuss and approve topic with student. References are to be cited in the body of the paper and listed on the reference page. A minimum of five (5) references, including scholarly articles from current literature and journals, must be used in the preparation of this assignment. APA, 7th Edition (or newer if available) format is to be used. Submit assignment. The Final Paper Proposal must include:
1] Cover sheet (one page)
2] Proposed Table of Contents (one or more pages). Please be sure to adhere to APA requirements. 3] Body of Paper Proposal content (five double spaced pages of research content includes Introduction, Review of the Literature, Discussion.) There is NO Abstract required, therefore, one would not be counted in your 5 page Content requirement. If you choose to use an abstract, graphs, charts, diagrams, tables, etc. these would NOT be included in the 5 page minimum requirement for the research aspect of the assignment. 4] References (one or more pages)
In most cases, this assignment submission is the 30% point of your Final Project Paper. Once the instructor returns this paper to you with specific guidance, comments, and a grade, you will be well on your way! Continue to develop and expand your selected and approved topic until the Final Paper Project is completed.
All assignments are to be submitted in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font, size 12 ONLY. Review Final Project Paper Guidelines, grading marker narrative, and Rubric in Syllabus.

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