Please write an essay in response to the following: Should cosmetic plastic surg

Please write an essay in response to the following:
Should cosmetic plastic surgery be banned?
In order to develop your argument, please use evidence from – that is, quote from – at least one source: “Is it Time to Ban Cosmetic Surgery” by Alexander Edmonds. You can find additional sources if you’d like, but this isn’t a requirement. 
Each body paragraph should have roughly 1-2 quotes, and it should be clear in your discussion how your evidence supports your thesis. Try to make at least one body paragraph a counter argument.
Your grade for this assignment will be based on the following elements of your paper:
Good quote incorporation and reading comprehension (i.e. you need to show that you understand the details of the quotations you select)
Thesis statement and topic sentences
Paragraph structure
Overall organization of your ideas
APA format
Sentence-level control
Your final copy of this assignment should be at least 4-5 paragraphs long, including the introduction, counter-argument, and conclusion. Please also include a cover page and in-text citations, following APA guidelines. 
Formatting guidelines: 2-4 pages of text (not including cover page), double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font.