starting at page 4 you will see 5 words analysis, key words, evidence, analyze a

starting at page 4 you will see 5 words analysis, key words, evidence, analyze and structure these paragraphs need to me written as the meaning and then the analysis of them if they were applied correctly in the article “ our digital devices altering our brain” I need you to re write these paragraphs and the conclusion please read the instructions carefully to understand.
The Analysis section should include:
1. Term. Definition (paraphrased)
2. As per Harvey, the “should’s,” “hows,” etc. (paraphrased and avoid “you”)
For example: The thesis should be legitimate, arguable and narrowed. It should be presented at the beginning of text, reappear throughout and not vanish.
3. Commentary including specific examples from the text
(You should evaluate the article based upon the “should’s,” “hows,” and “need’s” as presented by Harvey.)
For example: Roose’s thesis is based in reality. It is clearly a debatable, controversial topic and precise in its focus. Furthermore, it is presented at the beginning in the title. The thesis is reiterated throughout the article.
For example, in paragraph 8, Roose states “But after talking with dozens of educators over the past few weeks, I’ve come around to the view that banning ChatGPT from the classroom is the wrong move.” In addition, in paragraph …
All criteria points should be presented in this way. You should NOT use external sources to develop your commentary (only the Harvey doc). You should be developing your commentary using your critical thinking skills. You may go beyond the Harvey criteria if you desire, but as per assignment requirements, you must base your commentary on the provided set.
Also, keep in mind that there may be both positive and negative aspects within each term. There may be exceptions to the rules because this is an article written for the general public; not necessarily AI or education experts. If so, you should express these notions.
then write the conclusion in the same format they are written in the examples I’ll provide
it should warp everything up
re state the thesis
quickly go through the positives then focus on the negatives (200 words )