This thesis will investigate the operational aspects and measurable impact of In

This thesis will investigate the operational aspects and measurable impact of Innovation Labs and Learning Hubs on Learning and Development (L&D) in Human Resources (HR). The study aims to develop a framework for establishing and evaluating the effectiveness of these environments in enhancing employee skills, fostering innovation, and improving overall organizational performance. Research Objectives Assess Current L&D Practices: Evaluate existing L&D programs in organizations to establish a baseline for comparison. Design Operational Frameworks: Develop detailed operational frameworks for implementing Innovation Labs and Learning Hubs. Measure Impact on L&D: Create metrics and methods to measure the effectiveness of Innovation Labs and Learning Hubs on L&D outcomes. Implementation and Analysis: Implement these frameworks in selected organizations and analyze the results. Provide Recommendations: Offer actionable recommendations based on the findings to optimize the use of Innovation Labs and Learning Hubs in HR L&D. Methodology Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature on Innovation Labs, Learning Hubs, and their role in HR L&D. Surveys: Design and distribute surveys with HR professionals, managers, and employees to gather qualitative and quantitative data. Details on the requirements by the university have been uploaded as an attached file.