Title: The Rise of Darksouls: A Journey through Development, Inspiration, and Impact on the Gaming Industry Introduction: Video games have become a major form of entertainment in the modern world, with a diverse range of genres and franchises captivating

This is a year 12 research project where we choose our own topic, and I chose the video game franchise Darksouls, it needs to be 2000 words and broken into paragraphs, I have tests and other assignments I need to work on so I don’t have time for this one
I would like the paragraphs to be about development, inspiration, any struggles they may have faced, and how the games success affected the industry 
I need two primary sources (interviews) 

The post Title: The Rise of Darksouls: A Journey through Development, Inspiration, and Impact on the Gaming Industry


Video games have become a major form of entertainment in the modern world, with a diverse range of genres and franchises captivating appeared first on get essay fast.