WRTG 394    Midterm Reflection on Your WRTG 394 Experience Assignment Summary Th

WRTG 394   
Midterm Reflection on Your WRTG 394 Experience
Assignment Summary
This assignment asks you to consider where you are in your WRTG 394 course (Week 5, just past the midway point) and write a brief (150-250 words – at its longest this document should be no longer than one page) reflection about how you are thinking and feeling about WRTG 394 at this point in time. You’ll be asked to do this again in Week 8 as you complete the course.
How Your Midterm Reflection relates to your other work in WRTG 394
This class, which is probably your first experience with Labor Based Contract Grading, has likely been something of a revelation, perhaps even a shock to you in its refusal to be like a traditional “product” oriented course where your focus is on the assignments you submit rather than on the work you do to prepare and refine those assignments. Since we’re involved in your skill development (remember all that info from the Labor Contract that discusses how learning writing skills is cognitive learning akin to learning/improving your process of performing an action (writing) rather than production of a product such as a research paper, presentation, or other task), that’s something to think about and discuss in your reflection.
What You Must Provide for the Midterm Reflection
In a single draft (no revision for this or the final reflection assignments), you will discuss what working on developing your skill rather than producing a product has been like for you. You should provide the following for this assignment:
1.    A short memo that discusses your experience thus far in WRTG 394 and mentions in particular any experiences that you have found memorable.
Memo Template to Use as You Complete this Assignment
To: [Dr. Jim Booth, Professor, WRTG 394]
From: [Your name and title]
Date: [Today’s Date]
Subject: [Reflections on WRTG 394 at the course midpoint]
(Here you should give a one-two sentence summary of your reflection.)
WRTG 394’s Memorable Moments (So Far)
(Talk about what you have found most interesting/problematic/maddening about this new approach to learning about writing.)
(Any final thoughts/concerns?)
Remember, the key is to keep it short and to focus in on any issue or topic that you think key at this point of the course term.