Organizational Problem: Blaze Mining is a mid-size, family-owned oil and mining

Organizational Problem: Blaze Mining is a mid-size, family-owned oil and mining company located in Louisiana. Over the past 10 years, leadership of the company has fractured and become antagonistic. Non-collaborative internal teams have caused great damage to the management and operation of critical functions within the organization. Recently, a new CEO joined the organization and was stunned by the discord within the leadership team and its effect on the bottom line.
Organizational Design: Blaze Mining is family-owned and managed. There are multiple divisions and departments pertinent to the type of operation occurring: mining, oil, offshore, human resources (HR), finance, education, and safety. Each section is led by a family member and a personally selected team. The CEO is the overseer of the company.
Challenge and Request Criteria: For the company to survive, the problems within the leadership team must be identified and addressed in a professional manner. The CEO of Blaze Mining is requesting an OD intervention to interact with the leadership group and develop a cohesive team focused on the success of the organization. The intervention is to include
three workshop sessions, once a month, for three months;
specialized intervention with each division and department; and
a wrap-up session with all stakeholders.
*The instructions above are the scenario that you will use to write the essay*
**Below I have attached addition guidlelines for the essay**