“The Debate on Global Warming: Evidence for Greenhouse Gases and Alternative Hypotheses”

For this paper you will need to find two or more articles on global warming that look at the evidence for global warming due to green house gasses. You will also need to find two or more articles that suggest two alternative hypotheses for global warming or arguments against the evidence that suggests that global warming is due to greenhouse gasses (see the information on the linked page “Alternative explinations” off page 29 of the secton of the notes on Air Quality or PowerPoint note page 16 for help finding information on alternative hypotheses and arguments against the evidence).  The articles can come from newspapers, magazines, or off the Internet, but if you get articles from the Internet be sure they are from a reputable news organizations. In your paper, briefly explain the evidence for global warming due to greenhouse gases and the evidence for the alternative hypothesis or arguments against the evidence. Looking at what you have found out by doing this exercise, explain what you think. Is global warming due to greenhouse gasses or is the evidence for this insufficent or do other hypotheses explain the data better. Be sure to use information from the articles you read in your paper. Be sure your paper is well thought out and well written. Cite your references. 
Your paper should be about 3-5 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Papers must be well-written and clearly thought out or they will not count. You may  use email attachment to submit your lab report. Please prepare the papers in Word format.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all lab exercises are submitted on time.  Make sure you save your lab exercises on a computer disk or in hard copy in case they are lost.  Make sure you put the exercise number and your name on your lab exercise.

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