“The Harmful Impact of Micro-Aggressions: Why We Cannot Ignore Them”

Review the materials regarding micro-aggressions in the lecture, handout, article, and 
video. Incorporate the content by explaining what you learned and then address the 
following questions as it relates to a specific micro-aggression.
When people discuss micro-aggressions, a common response is that they are ‘innocent acts’ and that the person who experiences them should ‘let go of the incident’ and ‘not 
make a big deal out of it’. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Dr. Derald Wing Sue has argued that the impact of subtle prejudice 
(i.e., micro-aggressions) is more harmful than the impact of blatant discrimination. Do 
agree or disagree? Why?
Microaggressions: More Than Just Race | Psychology Today 

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