Title: Integrating Principles of Social Work Practice and Core Values in Social Work Roles and Engaging Vulnerable Populations

Refer to the following for this discussion:
Principles of social work practice: acceptance, individualization, purposeful expression of feelings, non-judgmental attitudes, objectivity, controlled emotional involvement, self-determination, access to resources, confidentiality, and accountability
6 core values of social work: service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence
Discuss at least one of the following prompts in your initial post:
How might the principles of social work practice be translated into concrete action? How is this action a reflection of the 6 core values of the social work profession?
Select one of the following social worker roles: advocate, broker, case manager, counselor, mediator, navigator, researcher. 
How are the 6 core values of social work practice evident in the day-to-day work of social work practitioners in this role?
Which vulnerable populations, issues of injustice, or unmet needs of society do you hope to engage as a social worker? How has this vulnerable population, need, or issue developed in our society?

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