Title: “The Power of Storytelling: A Review of the Effectiveness of Using Children’s Books to Teach about the Legal System” a) The reform that I have selected is the use of children’s books to educate children about the legal

Select one reform that aims to help educate children about the legal system. It can be a formal educational reform (such as a program instituted by the courts to help kids learn more about the process) or an informal reform (such as a children’s book or movie that teaches about a legal concept). This reform must teach kids about the legal system specifically.
It can be an aspect of the legal system that we covered in one of the modules or a new aspect.
a) give a basic overview of that reform (state the name of the reform and how it works); (b) explain how this particular reform is supported by psychological research; and (c) review whether you think this is an effective reform.
No more than half of your presentation should go to summarizing the reform. The assignment is less about describing the reform and more about applying what you have learned in this class to the reform.
Make sure you evaluate the reform based on research you have read in this class, other classes, or looked up on your own. There is a research guide available for this class via the FIU Library. Login to the library website and access our class research guide.
You must include research in your presentation. You do not have to provide full citations, but you should say things like: “Research by Goldfarb and colleagues found that…” or “According to chapter 5 in our textbook….” or “A 2006 study by Eberhardt reported that…”

The post Title: “The Power of Storytelling: A Review of the Effectiveness of Using Children’s Books to Teach about the Legal System”

a) The reform that I have selected is the use of children’s books to educate children about the legal appeared first on get essay fast.