Literature Review Part II-Please see the uploaded document titled wk2 project an

Literature Review Part II-Please see the uploaded document titled wk2 project and add on to it for this order. You will also need to review the 2 uploaded articles. 
Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section
This week, you will develop Part 2 of the Literature Review section. While developing Part 2, use the following guidelines:
Find at least two articles on the selected topic using the University Online Library databases (EBSCOhost or ProQuest). THESE ARTICLES HAVE ALREADY BEEN UPLOADED FOR YOU. 
Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) for each article.
Write a brief analysis (one to two paragraphs) for each article and relate each analysis to your course and text readings.
Please use the following as a reference for the course and text readings. You will need to be able to access this: 
Myers, D. (2021). Social Psychology (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).
the discussion readings have been uploaded so you can reference if you’re not able to access the above.