Evaluating Performance Management: An Interview Analysis of Company X

In the last module, you identified an organization or company to conduct an evaluation of its performance management system and interviewed an HR professional or a line manager about the performance management process at your selected organization, asking their opinion about the organization’s performance management process currently in place. During this module, you are to submit your 2- to 3-page paper summarizing your interview results. (Remember that some of this information can used to help you respond to future assignments.) 
How are performance measures chosen and/or identified? 
Is the performance management process linked to the organization’s strategy? If so, how? If not, why not? 
What are the different sources of information used in the performance management process? 
What is the time frame for the performance management process (including any initial meetings and follow-up sessions)? 
Is there a clear relationship between performance management and the organization’s financial goals? 
In your opinion, how could the performance management process be improved?

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