First, complete the measure of attachment style at the following website: https:

First, complete the measure of attachment style at the following website:

  • Take your time, answer honestly
    • You can agree or disagree to allow your responses to be used for research purpose. Your decision wont have any impact on this class / your assignment.

Second, consider your feedback and answer the following questions:

  • Attachment Theory Questions:
    • Is this totally accurate, partially accurate, or inaccurate for you? Why/why not
    • Is the feedback true for all of your relationships (Mom, dad, siblings, friends, coworkers, romantic partner)?
    • The feedback is for you currently. Does it ring true for your relationships as a child? Your past vs current romantic relationships?
  • Validity:
    • Could any of the items possibly reflect anything other than attachment style?
    • What might people be thinking about when they are rating these items?
    • Are the items worded well? Do they succinctly capture one thing? Are any of them double barreled (asking you to rate multiple statements)?
    • Do people have the self-insight required to give accurate responses?
    • Is social desirability a concern (either fooling oneself, or the researcher in order to give responses that put the person in a more favorable light)?
  • Reliability:
    • Is it possible to get different scores today vs. next week vs. a year from now vs. 10 years from now?
    • Do all of the items seem to be getting at the same thing, or do some of them stand out as odd in comparison to the rest?