My Thoughts on Breastfeeding and Public Perception Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful act that provides numerous benefits for both the mother and child. However, it is unfortunately still a controversial topic in our society. While I fully support and encourage breastfeeding

Please tell me your thoughts about the questions below:
What are your thoughts on breastfeeding in general and when women breastfeed in public?
Do you think there is an age when it is no longer appropriate for a child to be breastfed?
If breastfeeding is so beneficial, then why do many Americans have such strong reactions to a photo of a toddler breastfeeding?
Is there a point after which breastfeeding feels “unacceptable” in Western society? Why?
Does our view of the breast as a sex object cloud the issue at all, and how does the father figure into the issue of whether breastfeeding should continue long term?

The post My Thoughts on Breastfeeding and Public Perception

Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful act that provides numerous benefits for both the mother and child. However, it is unfortunately still a controversial topic in our society. While I fully support and encourage breastfeeding appeared first on get essay fast.