this is an open-book Exam with two questions:  1-  Information technology, often

this is an open-book Exam with two questions: 
1-  Information technology, often unnoticed, plays a crucial role in our daily routines. The
effortless functioning of mobile applications and smartphones is a prime example of
this. Select a specific hardware or gadget (excluding smartphones), and provide a
detailed analysis of how it affects our social practices.
2- Sustainable development agenda is the responsibility of governments and
corporations should not have anything to do with it. Using examples and drawing on
relevant literature, critically discuss why you agree or disagree with this statement.
The answer for each question should be no longer than 1,000 words (+/—10%). For each question, there Should be at least 4 references, cited in the essays in Harvard style.
Because it is an Exam, time will be very limited. The test duration is 6:30(4:00 PM British Summer Time), and I need the paper after six hours to review it and submit it on time.
Please do not use artificial intelligence in these two essays. The exam is strict in this regard.