“The Intersection of Religion and Violence: Exploring Themes and Dynamics Across Traditions”

Select and investigate a topic related to Religion and Violence, developing this in a
direction of your choosing, be it exegetical, thematic, form-critical, comparative, etc. For
example, you can look at such items as (a) the presence and/or development of a violent
theme in a specific religious tradition (i.e. Judaism/Christianity/Islam); (b) the adoption or
movement of a violent theme between various religious traditions; (c) the role of religion
in violent suppression of peoples/groups, etc. 
The essay is to consist of 10-12 double-spaced, justified, typewritten pages (1-inch
margins). Bibliography, title page, and footnote references do not
count towards the maximum number of pages. You should consult at least 5 sources for
your essay. 
This is research paper will be based of an annnotated bibliogprahjy that was was already written with the topics involved and should be quite straightforward to complete. (attached below)
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