Introducing you to the Autonomous Vehicle: What is an Autonomous Vehicle? An aut

Introducing you to the Autonomous Vehicle:

What is an Autonomous Vehicle?

An autonomous vehicle, or a driverless
vehicle, is one that is able to operate itself and perform necessary
functions without any human intervention. In particular, it is a vehicle
that can drive itself from a starting point to a predetermined
destination in “autopilot” mode. As we will see these cars use various
in-vehicle technologies and sensors, including adaptive cruise control,
active steering (steer by wire), anti-lock braking systems (brake by
wire), GPS navigation technology, lasers and radar.

Lets Experience an Autonomous Vehicle

Most of us have never seen or been inside of a autonomous vehicle.

The following is an promo piece for Waymo one of the companies that is offering autonomous vehicle trips:

For an actual demonstration on an autonomous ride look here:


This is worth 10% of this module’s grade

Please answer the following questions by uploading your answers to Canvas

  • What was your impression of the drive in the autonomous vehicle? How was it what you expected? How did it surprise you
  • Why is it important that these type of promotions are being placed on things like YouTube and Facebook?