Title: Exploring Intelligence and Creativity in Early Childhood Education: A Personal Reflection and Research Analysis.

Paper #3 – Intelligence & Creativity Assignment (20 Points) – Due 6/21/24
NAEYC Standards: 1, promoting child development and learning; 2, building family and community relationships; 4, using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families; 5, using content knowledge to build meaningful curriculum. NAEYC Supportive Skills: 3, written and verbal communications skills; 4, making connections between prior knowledge/ experience and new learning; 5, identifying and using professional resources.
We know that intelligence and creativity can cover a wide spectrum and is not limited to traditional views of intellect.
Assignment:  Write a paper, double-spaced, that includes the components listed below.
Write a one-page reflection on the following: “What does intelligence and creativity mean to me?” There are no right or wrong answers. This is a starting point for your research as you tap into your own prior experiences and knowledge.
Develop a list of outside reading pertaining to this topic. You can add these to your ongoing reading list. You should have a minimum of 6 articles and/or books.
Using the research, write a two-page paper of how you see creativity and intelligence playing a role in the early-childhood curriculum.
Go back to your original one-page reflection as you started this paper. Write up to one page on how your views have shifted, if at all, because of your research.

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