“Marketing Audit: Analyzing the 4Ps for [Company/Brand Name]”

As stated in the Learning Goals, this course will focus on the strategic use of the 4Ps of Marketing
(i.e., Product, Price, Place, & Promotions) to serve the customer.
An audit portrays a description of a brand or a company as outlined in the modules we discussed.
Student will discuss in detail each of the 4Ps of Marketing in a 5-to-7-page, double spaced paper
with 1-inch margins. 
Suggested outline for preparing the Audit: 
 Who is the company or brand?
 What does this company or brand do to create revenue? 
 Detail each of the Ps of Marketing for this company or brand 
 In your opinion, is the company or brand doing well or is there much room for improvement? 

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