Write a completed draft of Essay on the use of setting in Lawrence’s “Odour of C

Write a completed draft of Essay on the use of setting in Lawrence’s “Odour of Chrysanthemums.”  The approach and focus should align with the Introduction I provided: 
Imagery is often used by writers to give readers a visual sense in an abbreviated fashion.
Another way that imagery works is as an analogue for characters, their emotions, and their
emotional states. Such is the case with D H Lawrence’sOdour of Chrysanthemums. In this
paradigm of short fiction writing, Lawrence uses many image patterns to help readers understand
Elizabeth, her husband, and their children–and by extension all humans. The purpose of this
paper is to explore the use of hot/cold and light/dark imagery in Odour of Chrysanthemums. The
paper will look first at the way setting is used in literature in general. Then it will explore early
representations of these images in the story, then delineate the way those images intensify in the
story after the body is brought home. Throughout, the paper will show how those images are
reflectors of the characters and their emotions.
The essay will, after your introduction (which can be identical to the introduction I provided), establish the use of setting in literature in general and then discuss the specific use of hot/cold and light/dark in “Odour of Chrysanthemums” looking at the beginning of the story and then the scenes after the body is returned to the house.  
5 or more pages;  MLA format
No fewer than 3 research sources.
A minimum of 2 long quotations (in MLA 4 lines long or longer)
Proper citation and Works Cited page