“Analyzing Sources for Research: Annotated Bibliography Project”

It’s not enough to just report what a source’s claims are. You should get in the habit of reading sources for research questions, methods, claims, evidence, and rhetoric. Without a clear understanding of how and why a source reached his or her conclusions and how s/he is using rhetoric to prepare audiences to accept those conclusions, you won’t be able to engage in true inquiry. What You Will Do I will provide the sources you will use for your annotated bibliography project and your controlled research paper. We will discuss the paper topic in class. The six different sources are: “Getting Personal about Cybersecurity.” Lindsay McKenzie (p 1247) “Oh My Gosh! When Did Facebook start with Mind Infiltration?” Brian Crane (visual) (p 1255) “70 Percent of Employers Are Snooping Candidates’ Social Media Profiles” Lauren Salm (p 1263) “Creative Ways to Get Noticed by Employers on Social Media” Deanna Hartley (p 1267) “Congress Let Internet Providers “Spy On’ Your Underwear Purchases, Advocacy Group Says” Lauren Carroll (p 1273) From World without Mind: The existential Threat of Big Tech Franklin Foer (p 1287) You must use at least three sources for your annotated bibliography project and the controlled research paper. You may use more if you feel they are relevant and helpful to your writing. Even though your research paper is not due now, you should begin to think about your argument because that will dictate which sources you choose. For this project, you will write good, useful annotations of those sources so that you really understand their content and their rhetorical appeals.
For this week, you will utilize the attached assignment explanation to complete 3 annotated bibliography entries. You will take the peer feedback from your mid-week discussion board post to revise your first annotated bibliography. Please see rubric for grading profile

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