Comp101 – Project 3 -Artificial IntelligenceAI You are required to create ananim

Comp101 – Project 3 –Artificial IntelligenceAI

You are required to create ananimated story or any otherartificial intelligence applicationsuch as:

Image Classification, Personal Audio Classifier, Therapist Bot Tutorial, Alexa Hello World, …

It is a basic block code tool website where you can program using prebuilt codes to create your own interactive stories or applications.

The guidelines for the project are defined below. This is an optional “group of 2project.

Animated story or AI creation website:


You need to sign in and create an account.

Select any subject of your choice.

On any website there are many tutorials. tutorial help creation tool for your project.…


Your project must deliver the following:

The application (it should contain at least 10 block code).

The movie of your applicationwhile you are presenting it.

The written report.File name should be “your name

The written report

First page should include all the students’ details (name, id, course, project).

An introduction that includes a URL link (plus login +password) to your application.

Your plan of actions and difficulties when you created the application.

Clear snapshots of your application and codes.

Blackboard submission

Upload to blackboard your Project 3. (Thereport in pdf format, the movie in mp4 format)

Project deadline is Monday 24 of June 2024.

Project 3 has 15 marks divided as below:

5 Marks

Characters, code length, originality

5 Marks

Creativity and design

5 Marks

Report, presentation, screenshots

Good luck