Exploring Gender Differences: A Reflection on the Documentary “Real Stories”

You will need to pick one of the two Real Stories documentaries on learning about gender differences. 
Here is the link to watch the documentaries:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKX-YBD4nIPe_Gd92khqCHNkgcFnmiGD7Links to an external site. 
How will you be graded:
I will be reading to make sure you correctly define the three terms.
Biological sex, gender identity, and gender expression.
I will be reading to make sure you use examples seen in any of the two documentaries.
Remember, you only need to watch one for this assignment, BUT both are really good!
I will be reading to make sure your writing style is academic, and you use vocabulary that is relevant to the topics you are writing about.
Gender assumptions, gender formation, and stereotypes. 
Do you need to apply APA rules to this reflection paper?
DO NOT write in bullet points; this is an essay format.
When submitting your ONE FULL page, make sure you do not use the first ¼ of the page with your name and date and my name, the class title, the date, etc. 
Start your paper at the top of the page with the title of your paper centered at the top.
DON’T forget to indent at the beginning of each paragraph!
Your paper should be:
Double spaced
One inch margins all around
12-point font. 
Don’t be extra and increase your font size.
Use a font style called Times New Roman
This participation activity is worth 10 points. 
No Cover Page or Reference page is needed.

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