The Dark Side of Reality TV: How Dance Moms Damages Children’s Sense of Self

Word Count: approximately 1,000 words. Minimum of seven citations; MODE: Your composition is more than a traditional “words-on-paper” document; it will be produced as an electronic artifact (artifact means the thing you compose). 
You can create a word document that includes hyperlinks and images.
Deliverable: Create an engaging project that expresses YOUR TAKE on an aspect of pop culture, which is backed up with research. 
You have agency in choosing your rhetorical PURPOSES, e.g., to educate, inspire, entertain, argue, convince, persuade, etc.,
Maybe you want to
The option I am choosing for this is: 
establish an argument,
e.g., reality shows that feature kids (Dance Moms) damage kids’ sense of self; or, parents should not be monetizing their kids’ day-to-day life online; or, why TikTok should not be banned
I dont have any specific ideas in mind of what to use so I can leave that up to you I dont 
mind what it is. 

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