Title: “Initial Obstetrical Visit for a 24-Year-Old Primigravida: Case Study and Management Plan” Questions to Ask During Initial Obstetrical Visit: 1. What was the date of your last menstrual period (

This case study incorporates a focused well pregnant woman exam who is presenting for her first 
obstetrical visit. The woman states she has taken a OTC pregnancy test which was positive. Her LMP 
was 8 weeks ago. She is 24 years old and this is her first pregnancy. Based on the content related to a
24 year old primigravida well visit:
What questions might you ask this patient during this initial obstetrical visit?
What aspects specific to the obstetrical exam need to be performed specific to the 24 year old     primigravida initial visit?
What labwork and/or would you anticipate the NP ordering for this visit?
What immunizations may you anticipate reviewing and/or administering during this visit?
Discuss Anticipatory Guidance you may discuss with this patient at this visit, along with when       would schedule the next follow-up visit?

The post Title: “Initial Obstetrical Visit for a 24-Year-Old Primigravida: Case Study and Management Plan”

Questions to Ask During Initial Obstetrical Visit:
1. What was the date of your last menstrual period ( appeared first on get essay fast.