Key Element: The Cultural Sensitivity essay explains the importance of incorpora

Key Element: The Cultural Sensitivity essay explains the importance of incorporating cultural sensitivity when interacting with international clients. Think of yourself as a business professional!
Scenario from Rubric: Today’s digital business environment is global, fast paced, and highly competitive, and you will likely be tasked with communicating across various platforms and with a variety of different cultures. As a business professional, it is important that you can effectively communicate cross-culturally in a professional manner. In this task you will demonstrate your knowledge of communicating as a business professional.
Task 1:
Write an essay (suggested length of 1-2 pages) explaining the importance of incorporating cultural sensitivity when interacting with international clients. (Remember the focus demonstrate your knowledge of communicating as a business professional,” so try to be more practical than theoretical, meaning how would you apply this information in a real-life situation.)
Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized
Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
One full page with a references page if in-text citations are used.
Unit 1, Chapter 2 will be helpful – Example of an in-text citation: (Newman, 2017, Sections 2-3)
The evaluation team is looking for in-text citations and a reference sheet entry – be sure to include one
Key Element: The Cultural Sensitivity essay explains the importance of incorporating cultural sensitivity when interacting with international clients.
References page citing the e-textbook as a reference if in-text citations were used. Example: Newman, A. (2017). Business communication: In person, in print, online (10th ed.) Cengage Learning.
Potential topics: (as noted in Chapter 2, section 2-3c)
Some cultural sensitivity ideas for discussion:
communication strategies
formalities in business dealings
cultural values in different countries
high-context and low-context cultures
The above topics mentioned are only suggestions.
Share your personal examples when interacting with international clients – Important: if this option is used, be sure to advise the evaluation team in the comments upon submission. No reference are needed