Directions: Please analyze Connie from the short story titled “Where Are You Goi

Directions: Please analyze Connie from the short story titled “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates.
Step 1 Outline: Please outline your essay according to the blank outline provided below. Your outline must contain nine paragraphs and must be structured according to the blank outline provided. Submit an outline of your essay for grading and feedback. Remember, an outline is simply a plan of the essay. It is NOT a rough draft. If you submit a rough draft instead of an outline, you will receive a zero. Refer to the sample outline on p. 244 of the textbook.
I. Introduction
A. Attention-Getter
B. Connecting Statement
C. Thesis
II. What is the character like at the beginning of the story?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
III. How does the character look?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
IV. How does the character behave?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
V. How does the character communicate with other characters?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
VI. What do other characters say about this character?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
VII. How does the character’s environment reflect his/her personality?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
VIII. What is the character like at the end of the story?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
IX. Does the character change over the course of the story? What causes this change?
A. Interpretation
B. Evidence
Step 2 Rough Draft: Please submit the rough draft of your essay for grading and feedback. Remember, the rough draft should be a fully developed essay that contains nine paragraphs and adheres to the essay guidelines below. If I indicated changes needed to be made to your outline, those changes must be present in the rough draft; otherwise, you will lose points for failing to follow directions.
Step 3 Final Draft: Please submit the final draft of your essay for grading. The final draft must adhere to the essay guidelines belo