Here is the research proposal you wrote for me with some additional changes i ma

Here is the research proposal you wrote for me with some additional changes i made in the analysis and method. 
This is the feedback i received and i was wondering if you were willing to make the changeas i was happy with your work. 
You will most likely not be able to look at SMM development, since this implies longitudinal research
Measuring structured SMMs is difficult across different types of teams, since it requires in depth job analyses for each team. Rather focus on Perceived SMMs, since you can use my scale to measure this. Perceived SMMs are a shared awareness among team members that a SMM exists. Without this awareness, having a SMM likely yields no benefit. 
We typically don’t look at the coordination of SMMs, since these models are emergent and dynamically forming in individuals’ minds. Rather, team coordination is a variable in its own right. Certainly worth some attention in light of remote work. 
Think about the novelty of the model (for the thesis, not necessarily for the proposal) and go see what about your idea is really new to the field. Remote work itself is relatively novel in this field, but has been looked into before, so what about remote work makes it particularly interesting or challenging? Maybe there is something about this that can be added as a moderator in the model.
Please add a model diagram in the proposal
Check the formatting (numbering and headings)
The sample you describe is too small. You will need to aim for at least 50 teams (2+ members per team, responding)
Depending on the model you put together I would imagine PROCESS analysis or linear hierarchical regression as analytical approaches. 
Ethics forms:
You will have two files to manage the process. In one, you will have identifying information that allows you to create a team code and this code will be given to each participant. The second file will be the data file, containing the identification code.