Question and correct answer only Review Test – Chapter 5 1 1. The majority of c

Question and correct answer only

Review Test – Chapter 5


1. The majority of carbohydrate molecules are produced by

A. Aerobic respiration

B. Anaerobic respiration

C. Fermentation

D. Glycolysis

E. Photosynthesis

2. Through photosynthesis, certain organisms convert solar energy into ____________ energy.

A. Activation

B. Chemical

C. Kinetic

D. Mechanical

E. Potential

3. An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food.

A. True

B. False

4. Which of the following is NOT an autotroph?

A. Algae

B. Animals

C. Cyanobacteria

D. Plants

E. All of the above are autotrophs

5. Which of the following is NOT true of autotrophs?

A. Consume other organisms for carbon and energy

B. Include plants

C. Produce their own food

D. Some can carry out photosynthesis

E. All of the above are true

6. Plants are _________________.

A. Chemoautotrophs

B. Chemoheterotrophs

C. Photoautotrophs

D. Photoheterotrophs

E. All of the above

7. Which of the following is NOT true of heterotrophs?

A. Incapable of photosynthesis

B. Include all animals

C. The food for them comes from other organisms

D. The food for them traces its origins back to autotrophs

E. All of the above are true

BIOL 1111K Review Test – Chapter 5


8. Humans are heterotrophs.

A. True

B. False

9. Because it obtains energy by eating plants, a deer is a ______________.

A. Autotroph

B. Heterotroph

C. Lithotroph

D. Phototroph

E. All of the above

10. Which of the following is NOT true of photosynthesis?

A. Produces carbohydrate molecules

B. Produces water

C. Releases oxygen

D. Requires carbon dioxide

E. Requires sunlight

11. The process of photosynthesis occurs not on the surface layers of the leaf, but rather in a

middle layer called the ______________.

A. Chlorophyll

B. Chloroplast

C. Mesophyll

D. Stomata

E. Thylakoids

12. Which of the following is the openings where the gas exchange of carbon dioxide and

oxygen occurs?

A. Chlorophyll

B. Chloroplast

C. Mesophyll

D. Stomata

E. Thylakoid

13. In all autotrophic eukaryotes, photosynthesis takes place inside an organelle called a


A. Chlorophyll

B. Chloroplast

C. Mesophyll

D. Stomata

E. Thylakoids

14. Which of the following is responsible for the green color of plants?

A. Chlorophyll

BIOL 1111K Review Test – Chapter 5


B. Mesophyll

C. Stomata

D. Thylakoids

E. All of the above

15. What two products result from photosynthesis?

A. Glucose and carbon dioxide

B. Glucose and oxygen

C. Glucose and water

D. Water and carbon dioxide

E. Water and oxygen

16. A stack of thylakoids is called a______________.

A. Granum

B. Mesophyll

C. Stomata

D. Stroma

E. None of the above

17. Which of the following is NOT true of light?

A. A form of energy

B. Can be harnessed to do work

C. Can travel

D. Changes form

E. Its energy is measured as heat

18. The longer the wavelength of light, the less energy is carried.

A. True

B. False

19. Which of the following is NOT true of visible light?

A. In plants, pigment molecules absorb only visible light for photosynthesis

B. Perceived by the human eye as a rainbow of colors

C. Red has lower energy

D. Violet and blue have longer wavelength

E. Violet and blue have higher energy

20. Which of the following is NOT true of pigments?

A. Different kinds of pigments exist

B. Each pigment absorbs only certain wavelengths (colors) of visible light

C. All photosynthetic organisms contain a pigment called chlorophyll a

D. Chlorophyll a absorbs wavelengths from green

E. All of the above are true

BIOL 1111K Review Test – Chapter 5


21. Photosynthesis takes place in two stages: the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin


A. True

B. False

22. Which of the following is NOT true of the light-dependent reactions?

A. Begin in a photosystem

B. Convert light energy into chemical energy

C. Photosystems consist of pigment molecules and proteins

D. Photosystems exist in the membranes of thylakoids

E. All of the above are true

23. Which of the following molecules absorbs the energy of a photon in photosynthesis?

A. ATP synthase

B. Chlorophyll

C. Glucose

D. Oxygen

E. Water

24. Which color(s) of light does chlorophyll a reflect?

A. Blue

B. Green

C. Indigo

D. Red

E. Violet

25. What is the source of electron in the light-dependent reactions?

A. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

B. Hydrogen (H2)

C. Nitrogen (N2)

D. Oxygen (O2)

E. Water (H2O)

26. Photosystem I moves hydrogen ions against their concentration gradient from the stroma

into the thylakoid space.

A. True

B. False

27. In the light-dependent reactions, energy absorbed by sunlight is stored by two types of

energy-carrier molecules: ___________ and ___________.

A. ATP – glucose



D. Glucose – NADH

E. Glucose – NADPH

BIOL 1111K Review Test – Chapter 5


28. The electrochemical gradient across the thylakoid membrane is formed because of the

difference in the concentration of ___________.

A. CO2

B. H+

C. OH-

D. O2

E. H2O

29. Which of the following is formed at photosystem I?


B. Glucose


D. Oxygen (O2)

E. Water (H2O)

30. The solar energy is stored in energy carriers, and it can be used to make a ___________

molecule in the light-independent reactions.


B. Glucose


D. Oxygen (O2)

E. Water (H2O)

31. The carbon atoms used to build carbohydrate molecules comes from

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Hydrogen

C. Nitrogen

D. Oxygen

E. Water

32. Which of the following is the site of the light-independent reactions in the chloroplast?

A. Granum

B. Stroma

C. Thylakoid membrane

D. Thylakoid space

E. All of the above

33. Which of the following is NOT true of the Calvin cycle?

A. Called the light-independent reactions

B. Functions as a cycle

C. Organized into three basic stages

D. Sugar (glucose) is synthesized

E. All of the above are true

BIOL 1111K Review Test – Chapter 5


34. Which of the following is the enzyme that is present to initiate the Calvin cycle?

A. ATP synthase

B. Carbon dioxide


D. Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)

E. RuBisCO

35. Which of the following has five atoms of carbon and a phosphate group on each end?

A. ATP synthase

B. Carbon dioxide


D. Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)

E. RuBisCO

36. In which of the following stages, CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules?

A. Fixation

B. Reduction

C. Regeneration

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

37. In which of the following stages, ATP and NADPH are used to convert 3PGA to G3P?

A. Fixation

B. Reduction

C. Regeneration

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

38. It takes six turns of the Calvin cycle to make one carbohydrate molecule.

A. True

B. False

39. Prokaryotes, such as cyanobacteria, have membrane-bound organelles for photosynthesis.

A. True

B. False


________________ is constantly exchanged between heterotrophs and autotrophs within

and between ecosystems.

A. Carbon

B. Hydrogen

C. Nitrogen

D. Oxygen

E. Water