Hi, I have to submit my Master thesis about Smart Mobility Services in Smart Cit

I have to submit my Master thesis about Smart Mobility Services in Smart Cities – Exploring Consumer Behavior and I need your help in order to write it.
The big work concerns the literature review and findings, discussion and conclusion. Make sure to understand my research question and context properly before writing. You will find attached all the documents needed. Please refer to Presentation 8 may pdf to understqnd the topic and then go through the draft thesis pdf everything is written. Dropbox files are attached for literature review/conclusion part.
Questionnaire and transcript are available attached for the findings and discussion.
24 pages for intro/ literature review/reseach design chapters
24 pages for Findings/ discussion / conclusion 
Literature review  chapter 
Conclusio  chapter ideas 
Qualitative interviews for Research design chqpter.
Example of other thesis of the same topic 
Use the references of the dropbox mainly. 
Thank you for this last minute help and let me know if you have any questions.