1.     RESEARCH TOPIC: The Influence of Systemic Racism on Black Maternal Health

1.     RESEARCH TOPIC: The Influence of Systemic
Racism on Black Maternal Health Disparities.
Create an Annotated Bibliography for your research topic, where
each citation is followed by an annotation containing a brief description that
supports your topic, in APA format. Annotations are brief explanations of a
source, describing or evaluating it. The annotation should begin with a capital
letter and end with a period but need not have the structure of a complete sentence.
You need to include 8 current (in the past five years),
relevant peer-reviewed article sources. You will include
these in your research proposal. Paraphrase the peer-reviewed article and cite
in APA format. Students will use only the DBU Library for all
peer-reviewed articles and journals. No direct quotes, always paraphrase
and cite the researcher. Only peer-reviewed journal articles
will receive a grade. No pop-culture magazines (Time, People, Wiki), or books
accept for the text, which must be cited in addition to the 8 peer-reviewed
articles. The DBU Writing
Center can help with APA and any questions in finding peer-reviewed
journal articles. All papers will be submitted in Turnitin link with the AI
DBU LIBRARY LINK: https://dbu.on.worldcat.org/discovery