Write a well-argued “network management plan” of roughly 3,000 words. In this pl

Write a well-argued “network management plan” of roughly 3,000 words. In this plan you describe and justify your proposed approach to craft an “operating system” and attract resources for a (fictional) interagency collaboration, or IC, set up to deal with a designated “case”.
Utilizing and demonstrating understanding of insights and ideas from, especially, chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9 of Eugene Bardach’s Getting Agencies to Work Together as
well as from the sheets discussed in class, your network management plan should
contain the following elements:
1.a realistic description of the multi-agency composition of the IC and of the case it is meant to deal with (± 600 words).
2.a description of two likely obstacles to the development and successful functioning of the IC (± 600 words).
3.a detailed description of four “smart practices” that you propose to deploy in order to craft a viable operating system and attract requisite resources (± 1600 words). Consult Bardach, pp. 311-319, for the level of detail required.