There are many areas to compare and contrast, including the following from Chapt

There are many areas to compare and contrast, including the following from Chapter 1: 
The Humanistic Approach
The Cognitive Approach
The Structuralist Approach
The Behavioral Approach
The Psychoanalytic Approach 
You will write a Compare & Contrast Essay on major theoretical approaches within the
discipline. Choose a minimum of four theoretical approaches to compare and contrast. Each
approach should have at least one to two paragraphs of a description prior to making your
Key Points:
1. Describe a minimum of four theoretical approaches discussed within Psychology
2. Compare and contrast each of the approaches
3. Apply APA citations and format
Description Compare & Contrast APA Style & Length
(30-40 points)
Four major theoretical approaches
are addressed in 1-2 full paragraphs
(30-40 points):
Students do a thorough job of
comparing and contrasting the
major theoretical approaches. At
least 1.5 to 2 pages of content.
(15-20 points):
Applies APA style effectively,
double-spaced, in-text citations,
references. The paper is 3-5
(20-30 points):
Four major theoretical approaches
discussed, but less than a paragraph
for one or more of the approaches is
(20-30 points):
Students do an adequate job of
comparing and contrasting the
approaches. At least 1-1.5 pages
(10-15 points):
APA style mostly utilized,
reference page or in-text
citations missing. Not double-
spaced. The paper is 2.5 or 5.5
pages in length
(0-20 points):
No or limited description provided of
the four theoretical approaches
(0-20 point):
Students do not adequately
address a comparison or
contrast. Less than 1 page of
(0-10 point):
APA style either not used, or
multiple aspects missing. The
paper is less than 2 pages or 6+