Post one paragraph from your recent writing that contains a sentence in passive

Post one paragraph from your recent writing that contains a sentence in passive voice. Bold the one sentence that is in passive voice. Remember that in a passive voice, the subject of the sentence does not do an action; the subject of the sentence is acted upon. Example: The meeting minutes are written by a different committee member each month. In this passive sentence, the subject, “minutes,” does not do any writing. The minutes are written by committee members. Then respond to the following: Rewrite your sentence in active voice. Example: A different committee member writes the meeting minutes each month. Given the meaning and context of your particular sentence, which version is more effective: the active or the passive? Explain your answer. Peer Response (first peer response due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday; second peer response due by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday) Respond to at least one of your peers. What feedback or suggestions do you have related to the use of active and/or passive in your classmate’s post?