I’m working on a project in Google Sheets and need help setting up several rules

I’m working on a project in Google Sheets and need help setting up several rules to automatically manage the sheet based on specific triggers or changes. Here are the detailed requirements:

  1. Change Row Color Based on Status:
    • Change the entire row color to match its “STATUS” color:
      • “Pending” – Yellow
      • “In Progress” – Blue
      • “DONE” – Green
      • “Need Help” – Red
  2. Handle “DONE” Status:
    • If the status is “DONE”:
      • Strikethrough the entire row and hide it on the current tab.
      • Add the same row to the “COMPLETED CHANGES” tab without any strikethrough.
      • Add the completion date in the last column of the “COMPLETED CHANGES” tab.
  3. Handle “Need Help” Status:
    • If the status is “Need Help”:
      • Ping Sara by using “@” in a comment with the message “The item needs your attention from XYZ” where XYZ is the assignee’s name.

How can I implement these rules using Google Sheets’ built-in features or Google Apps Script? Any step-by-step guide or script examples would be greatly appreciated!