Visit the CDCs website on the webpage

Visit the CDCs website on the webpage and select Start Course. For new visitors, select Click to Begin, and be sure to write down your resume code.

  1. Explore the following modules:
    • Definition, Types, and Prevalence
    • Workplace Violence Consequences
    • Risk Factors for Type II and Type III Violence
    • Prevention Strategies for Organizations
    • Prevention Strategies for Nurses
    • Post Event Response
  2. Take notes while completing each module to help you reflect on your learning.
  3. Select one of the case studies to complete:
    • Case Study 1: Psych Patient in ED
    • Case Study 2: An Aggressive Visitor
    • Case Study 3: Home Care Threat
    • Case Study 4: Long-Term Care
    • Case Study 5: A Sexual Advance
  4. The reflection should be at least 600 words and address the following:
    • Name of the case study you completed.
    • Summary of the expert analysis.
    • How can you apply what you learned to your nursing practice?
  5. Document any resources you use in seventh edition APA Style.