Overview When you document a computer network, it is often necessary to describe


When you document a computer network, it is often necessary to describe the existing network structure with the help of schemes or diagrams. You must document the configuration, used protocols, logical structure of the network, addresses, and names of network objects.


To complete this assignment, you must install or have access to a network diagramming tool. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of using a network diagramming tool to construct a basic network diagram. In the network diagramming tool, construct a basic network diagram consisting of the following components:

  • One router
  • One switch
  • One firewall
  • Three PCs
  • One server
  • Two printers
  • Switch to router and firewall

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  • Proficient Use of Network Diagramming Tool: The diagram shows proficient use of shapes and a network diagramming tool to develop a proper network.
  • Diagram Construction: Present and identify each component, and ensure the construction of the diagram represents a basic network.

Resources To Create Diagram




What to Submit

Ensure each component in your diagram is visually represented and communication between each device is established. Choose shapes in your network diagram to represent each component and ensure each is properly labeled. Submit your assignment as a PDF, PNG, or JPEG file. Alternately, you may embed the graphics in a DOC, DOCX, or Google Doc file.

Network Diagram Rubric

Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Proficient Use of Network Diagramming Tool Diagram shows proficient use of shapes and a network diagramming tool to develop a proper network Diagram needs additional work to demonstrate proficient use of a network diagramming tool Use of network diagramming tool is not present 50
Diagram Construction Each component is present and identified and the construction of the diagram represents a basic network Diagram components are present and labeled, but submission contains inaccuracies in proper network construction Diagram is not properly constructed 50
Total: 100%