Prior to working on this discussion, read chapters 7 and 8. As you learned this

Prior to working on this discussion, read chapters 7 and 8. As you learned this week, there are different schools of economic thoughts. These schools of economic thought can broadly be categorized in two- Classical school and Keynesian school. The Classical school includes its later development such as monetarism, Austrian economics, supply-side economics, and neo classical economics. The Keynesian school includes its later development- neo Keynesian economics.

For the initial post,

  • If your last name begins with A through L, form an argument as a Classical economist by defending the Classical school and providing criticism on Keynesian school.
  • If your last name begins with M through Z, form an argument as a Keynesian economist by defending the Keynesian school and providing criticism on Classical school.

In your post,

  • Compare and contrast classical economics and Keynesian What are the major differences between them?
  • Which model would you prefer? You may already prefer one because you are defending your school. Thoroughly explain your reasoning.
  • As a classical economist or a Keynesian economist, what would you do for the current S. economy?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.