Title: Exploring the Use of Marijuana, Alcohol, and Methamphetamine: A Comparative Analysis of Last-Year Users

As the author indicates, cigarettes aside, marijuana is the psychoactive substance that racks up the most use-days among its last-year users. What explains how these theories or explanations address this…

Continue ReadingTitle: Exploring the Use of Marijuana, Alcohol, and Methamphetamine: A Comparative Analysis of Last-Year Users

Title: Brief on the Effects of Affordable Housing Policies in Our Community Introduction: Affordable housing has become a pressing issue in our community, with the rising cost of living and limited housing options. As a legislative staffer, it is my duty to

Your goal for this assignment is to write a clear, concise brief on a local issue that will give the decision-maker full information on the issue. Approach it as if…

Continue ReadingTitle: Brief on the Effects of Affordable Housing Policies in Our Community Introduction: Affordable housing has become a pressing issue in our community, with the rising cost of living and limited housing options. As a legislative staffer, it is my duty to

Title: Managing Change and Development in the City of Johannesburg: An Analysis of Herman Mashaba’s Resignation Speech Title: “Cabinet and Parliamentary Government in South Africa: Features, Relationships, and Implications for Public Sector Stakeholders”

Read the speech below and answer the questions that follow. (Mashaba, H. 2019. Resignation speech: Herman Mashaba. https://www.timeslive.co.za/politics/2019-10-21-in-full-herman- mashabas-resignation-speech/ [Accessed: 04 December 2019] Question 1 The politician claims that “Our…

Continue ReadingTitle: Managing Change and Development in the City of Johannesburg: An Analysis of Herman Mashaba’s Resignation Speech Title: “Cabinet and Parliamentary Government in South Africa: Features, Relationships, and Implications for Public Sector Stakeholders”

Peer Response for Incorporating Direct Quotes in a Research Paper Response: Title: Incorporating Direct Quotes in a Research Paper: Peer Response and Bonus Feedback In the body paragraph of their research paper draft, the author states, “According to a

Post one body paragraph from your research paper draft that uses at least one direct quote. Use a different color font, bolding, or underlining for the sentence with the quote.…

Continue ReadingPeer Response for Incorporating Direct Quotes in a Research Paper Response: Title: Incorporating Direct Quotes in a Research Paper: Peer Response and Bonus Feedback In the body paragraph of their research paper draft, the author states, “According to a