Belief Essay Instructions Holding a belief with insufficient evidence to back it

Belief Essay Instructions
Holding a belief with insufficient evidence to back it up is something that everyone does.  Any stance (except agnosticism) on God, for instance, whether one believes that God exists, or one believes that God does not exist, is a belief based on insufficient evidence.  James thinks that when we are presented with a genuine option between two hypotheses (living, forced, momentous) where sufficient evidence is unavailable, our passions push us to pick one of the hypotheses and form a belief.  James can be interpreted as implying that the beliefs we hold based on insufficient evidence are justified to some extent (though not necessarily the actions that flow from the belief, especially if they are immoral or illegal).  Basically, you need to respect the right of the person to hold such a belief, though you do not need to respect the belief itself.  For example, your neighbor could believe that she is Cleopatra reincarnated.  According to James, you must respect your neighbor’s right to hold the Cleopatra belief, even if you think the belief itself is completely ridiculous.
For your essay, pick a belief that someone else holds but that you find to be ridiculous or repulsive or stupid (or you strongly disapprove of the belief in some other way).  For example, you might know someone who believes that one virgin needs to be sacrificed each year to appease the gods.  Explain the belief you disapprove of.  James thinks that you need to respect the right of the person to hold that belief.  Do you agree with James?  Putting aside any actions that flow from the belief, do you think people should have the right to hold beliefs without sufficient evidence or do you think people should not have the right to hold beliefs without sufficient evidence?  Give at least one reason supporting your position.  Keep in mind that whichever position you take can be applied not only to beliefs you disapprove of but also beliefs that you hold.
Your essay, at minimum, should be at least half a page (12 size font with regular margins and double-spaced) and will be turned into a dropbox on D2L.  The due date for this assignment is Monday, March 25 by 10 p.m.